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You can display a tabbed interface using the <Tabs> and <TabItem> components. Each <TabItem> must have a label to display to users. Use the optional icon attribute to include one of Starlight’s built-in icons next to the label.


Sirius, Vega, Betelgeuse

<TabItem label="Stars" icon="star">
Sirius, Vega, Betelgeuse
<TabItem label="Moons" icon="moon">
Io, Europa, Ganymede



Keep multiple tab groups synchronized by adding the syncKey attribute.

All <Tabs> with the same syncKey value will display the same active label. This allows your reader to choose once (e.g. their operating system or package manager), and see their choice persisted across page navigations.

To synchronize related tabs, add an identical syncKey property to each <Tabs> component and ensure that they all use the same <TabItem> labels:

Some stars:

Bellatrix, Rigel, Betelgeuse

Some exoplanets:

HD 34445 b, Gliese 179 b, Wasp-82 b

Some stars:
<Tabs syncKey="constellations">
<TabItem label="Orion">Bellatrix, Rigel, Betelgeuse</TabItem>
<TabItem label="Gemini">Pollux, Castor A, Castor B</TabItem>
Some exoplanets:
<Tabs syncKey="constellations">
<TabItem label="Orion">HD 34445 b, Gliese 179 b, Wasp-82 b</TabItem>
<TabItem label="Gemini">Pollux b, HAT-P-24b, HD 50554 b</TabItem>

Keystatic config

To add this Starlight component as a Keystatic content component, register it as a content component with the following schema:

Tabs: repeating({
label: 'Tabs',
'You can display a tabbed interface using the <Tabs> and <TabItem> components.',
children: ['TabItem'],
schema: {
syncKey: fields.text({
label: 'Sync key',
'Keep multiple tab groups synchronized by adding the syncKey attribute.',
TabItem: wrapper({
label: 'Tab',
schema: {
label: fields.text({ label: 'Label', validation: { isRequired: true } }),
label: 'Icon',
options: iconsList,
defaultValue: iconsList[0].value,