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Link cards

Use the <LinkCard> component to link prominently to different pages.

A <LinkCard> requires a title and an href attribute. You can optionally include a short description or other link attributes such as target.

Card grid

Group multiple <LinkCard> components in <CardGrid> to display cards side-by-side when there’s enough space.

<CardGrid stagger={false}>
<LinkCard title="Back to home" href="/" />
<LinkCard title="To Keystatic" href="/keystatic/" />

Keystatic config

To add this Starlight component as a Keystatic content component, register it as a content component with the following schema:

LinkCard: block({
label: 'Link card',
'Use the <LinkCard> component to link prominently to different pages.',
schema: {
title: fields.text({
label: 'Text',
validation: { isRequired: true },
href: fields.url({
label: 'Link',
description: 'Should start with https://',
validation: { isRequired: true },
description: fields.text({
label: 'Description',